Hi    Everyone!!

Hey guys! Welcome to the coolest site on the web, or close to it. If you don't know me, I'm Pam from New Jersey and its a pleasure to meet you. Oh, by the way, I'm fifteen and I just finished freshman year in high school!! Yah!! I actually got through finals! Anyway, there are many things to do in my free time, like: ~reading~ *talking* ~shopping~ ~hanging out with friends~ *playing the flute* ~other teenage stuff~

My main thing to do is to be with my friends, and I will mention some of them here: ~Lindsay~ *Samantha* ~Dan~ *Steve* ~Jessie~ *Robyn* ~Erin~ *Jessica* ~another Jessica~ *another Lindsay* ~Stephanie~ *Whitney* ~Stephanie R.~ *Stacey* ~Katie~ *Michelle* ~Erin~ *Megan* (Sorry anyone who I forgot!)

My dad is in the music business, so of course my favorite thing to do is... yes, you guessed it.. listen to music!! I love the alternative bands of the 90's, but anyone who's anyone knows that showtunes are the best. Oh, did I mention I love the theater? Its the greatest thing ever. My favorite show has to be Les Mis, second being How To Succeed in Business Without Really Trying. (Whoa..) What else? Well, check out the links on the bottom of the page to travel to distant and faraway places. (well, not really) Just go there.

Have a Great Day! (:


Hi again! Today is July ninth, and it's my fifteenth birthday today! Not like anybody cares, but I'm going to see a Broadway show tommorow! It's also my parent's anniversary (boy, was I a great present!) and so we had a double celebration. Anyway, I tried to add more stuff to this page, and by the way, I won my first award! To see the award, click the link and more awards, I hope, will be added soon. Well, sign the guestbook on the way out. Have a good summer!

*Another Update* Hello! Its now July 11, 1997, and today I have seen ANNIE on broadway. It was great! I feel like singing: "Tommorow, Tommorow, I'll love 'ya tommorow, you're only a day away!" The orphans were very cute, and the lead singer Annie was also very good. Out of five stars, i give this ****. In upcoming updates, I will try to review all the Broadway shows I've seen. But for now, goodnight!

*Still another Update* Boy, I guess you're getting really bored with these, aren't you? Well, I got a request in my guestbook (thanx Chantessy) for reviews on Broadway shows, so here's a few:

Les Miserables - absolutely the greatest show! Wow! The sets were fantastic, the music was great, the only thing wrong was that it lasted forever! But its great! Worth paying for.

Phanotom of the Opera- "Think of me, think of me fondly.." Sorry. This show was good when I saw it, about two years ago, but i think I'm spoiled, cause nothing compares to Les Mis... (I told you it was good! :)

How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying - God, that was such a long name to write! Anyway, this show was awesome! I saw it starring John Stamos (otherwise known as "Uncle Jessie," from Full House) and he is a great singer! Unfortunatly, this show sucked in the money department, so it closed down a few months ago.

These are not all the shows I've seen, but I want people coming back, right? Next update, I'll review three more shows. As long as you keep coming, I'll keep writing....

*Updated July 17* I promised three more Broadway shows, didn't I? Well, let me think. Um, Here's three I've seen:

A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum - Well, I don't know how to say this, but I hated this show. I went with my USY group, we had third balcony seats (last row, mind you) and Nathan Lane was not starring in it cause he was at the Golden Globes... what a ripoff!

Peter Pan - I saw this when I was about three, but it still counts, right? I really don't remember if it was good or not, but I'll give it a good review.

Evita - I'm only basing this review on the movie starring Madonna, who I loved as Eva Peron. I was too young to have seen it on Broadway, but the movie was excellent.

So, keep coming back for more reviews. That's showbiz!


robyn's page o' random uselessness: This is a really awesome site done by none other than Robyn herself.
Erin's page: Go here- really good and interesting page.
Dan's Theater Page: This kid id totally into theater... its a great page.
Techno Teen: Great teen site-- go here! Includes jokes, letters, reviews, everything.
Fox website: A website totally devoted to the best Fox show on television... Beverly Hills, 90210
Pam's Place: You guessed it.. its my other page made on America Online.. its cool too.
Random Junk: This links to the other part of my page.... go here!!
Lyrics Archive: This is the greatest site-- it has every song's lyrics that you ever wanted to know, especially showtunes. Go here!
Les Miserables: This is awesome! Sights and Sounds, its everything you want to know about the greatest show on Earth!
Elizabeth's World: This is the page that gave me the award, great graphics, music, and links. Visit it!
Horrific Horror Movies Home Page: This is my brother's page, devoted to horror movies. please visit it and sign the book!
My Awards!: These are the awards I've won!
Liz's homepage: This is a great page, includes good quotes and graphics. Visit her page!
The Glow Hole: Awesome - and I mean an awesome - site that includes Java, games, midi, and other stuff. Go there!
Tara's Phat Webpage: This is the page that gave me an award, visit ALiEnGrL and sign her guestbook!
Name Analyzer: This is great! Click here to see what your personality is like, based on your name!
Leanne's Place in Cyberspace: A really awesome site - cool graphics and stuff. Go there!
Sophie's Page: Awesome site! Visit her page and sign the book!
Caught our Eyes Award: This is a great site - visit it and sign the book! Also apply for the "Caught our Eyes Award".... I did!

People have been interested in my life times since June 15, 1997



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